Love Where You Count
We're a group of DePaul students competing against students from about 70 universities around the country to raise awareness among college students and renters throughout Chicagoland about the importance of participating in the 2020 Census. Here's why we love where we will be counted in the 2020 Census.

Why is the Census Important to You?
"The Census is important to me because an accurate count means that everyone can be equally heard and our community can properly allocate funding to our neighborhoods"
What do you Love About Chicago?
"I love Chicago because it is one of the most top dog-friendly cities in America. There are many green spaces and parks that my golden retriever, Cooper, loves to run and play at. It's because of the Census that makes it possible for my furry friend to romp around freely."
Natalie Rohman
Account Executive
Why is the Census Important to You?
"Census counts drive big federal dollar for public services and education in Chicago. I'm a huge believer in giving children an education to help them thrive so it's important we have an accurate count."
What do you Love About Chicago?
"I love Chicago because we have great public libraries. I spend a lot of my Sunday’s propped in the Harold Washington library catching up on all the Sunday papers. They also offer a lot of great resources to Chicago residents that I use all the time."

Lauren Russett
Why is the Census Important to You?
"As a college student, I want to be part of the count in my community and exercise the power I have to inform where funding for my city will go for the next decade."
What do you Love About Chicago?
"I love Chicago for the food scene! The Taste of Chicago is one of my favorite festivities that celebrates life, culture, and delicious creations in the heart of the city. Funding is allocated to school food programs and I am passionate about spreading my love for food to Chicago public schools by being counted."
Maddie Torti
Art Director
Why is the Census Important to You?
"As a first-generation American since I have the ability to make my voice count. With my count, I am able to impact the next ten years in federal funding my community is allocated to continue building a beautiful and strong city. "
What do you Love About Chicago?
"I love Chicago because it has always been my home. I'm thankful for the cultural perspective this city has taught me and the constantly expanding, diverse neighborhoods that make Chicago a world in a city. "

Callie Boboc
Why is the Census Important to You?
What do you Love About Chicago?
"Participating in the Census is the easiest way I know to support my community and all the things that make it a great place to live."
"I love Chicago because of its diverse neighborhoods and all of the opportunities and adventures the city has to offer."